During these strange days of separation from the world, we first offer our condolences to those who have lost friends or family. If you have been infected we pray for your quick and full recovery. Remember that being obedient to the new mask rules is not about the wearer protecting themselves. No one is thinking the mask wearer are fearful. The mask wearers realize that they could be an asymptomatic carrier. The mask protects other people from you. We hope that everyone will wear their masks and show that they care about the next persons life.

During the unprecedented time of social isolation it is imperative that we keep our chins up and our minds and bodies healthy. Although I have not seen anyone report on this, common sense says that the healthier we are the less likely we are to catch Covid-19. At least, we can hope that if we do get it – the healthier we are the more likely we are to survive it. Contrary to popular belief discipline is not punishment.

Many women have been taught from birth that our needs as females come after their family’s wants and desires. And now our employers, churches and community groups add to the pile of responsibilities of our American Women. Being selfless nurturers is what makes us proud to be women so we don’t want to give it up. However, it doesn’t mean that we never look after ourselves. Part of our responsibility is to prioritize our own health, fitness and spiritual growth.

Some find that a busy life style is a convenient excuse for skipping workouts, eating fast food, and not taking the time for prayer and worship. However, you will find that using your discipline to keep yourself healthy and happy will reap benefits in your family as well. Your children will grow up with the idea that it is normal to care for their own health, fitness and spirituality. It can be fun to include your children in your fitness routine. But nothing can be accomplished with discipline. Contrary to popular belief discipline is not punishment. The opposite of discipline is ignorance, chaos, confusion, disorder, and agitation. Discipline is a virtue that you want to pass on to your children. Your partner will be proud of you and will benefit as well. So you see, taking care of yourself is taking care of others as well. You must put that emergency oxygen on first before you can help your loved ones. We cannot foresee everything but most American’s die of illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer. We can beat this trend if we will just do it.

Some ladies are used to others helping them such as gym workouts, yoga classes, personal training sessions, meeting colleagues for lunch and church. Now that all of those and all other activities have come to a screeching halt we can use this time for sharpening our sword of self-reliance and self-discipline.

Although we are still in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic we have observed that those countries, states and cities that have exercised their discipline early and consistently have had fewer cases of Covid-19.

If you are home due to the widespread stay-at-home order this is the perfect opportunity to set up some goals and shape your life the way you always dreamed it could be.

You can get to your ideal weight, become a calm and peaceful person, work on your business plan for your dream business, write a book, make a workout video, become the next you tube sensation, or your heart’s desire. Whatever you want to do is right in front of you and it starts with self-reliance and discipline.

Once you have made the decision to embark on this adventure of change you are half way there already.

In the next blog we will talk about the seven basic principles to set the tone for your successful day, tomorrow and the rest of your life.